Virginia Community College System State Board for Community Colleges (2024)


Ms. Peggy Layne – Chair

Mr. Darius Johnson

Dr. Michael Wooten

Ms. Terri Thompson – Vice Chair

Mr. Wiley “Bif” Johnson


Dr. Brenda Calderon

Mr. Maurice Jones


Mr. Ed Dalrymple

Dr. Ashby Kilgore


Dr. Sasha Gong

Mr. Bruce Meyer


Mr. Jeff Haley

Ms. AJ Robinson



MECC Local Advisory Board (2023-2024)

Michael D. Abbott, Chair

Ms. Kristi Taylor

Rodney Baker, Vice-Chair

Ms. Joyce Williams

Ms. Adrienne Hood

Mr. Scott Napier

Ms. Freda Starnes

Ms. Carol Caruso

Mr. Keith Wilson

Mr. Roy Munsey

Ms. Carolyn Strouth

Ms. Betty Cornett

Ms. Emily Kinser




All meetings will be held at 4:30 p.m. in the Kline Foundation Boardroom in Dalton Cantrell Hall. You will be notified in advance of any changes in the meeting date, time, or location.

NOTE: Committee meetings will be held on an as-needed basis and/or by conference call prior to the regularly scheduled board meetings. Committee members will be notified in advance of the time and location of these meetings.

*notification of change in meeting was sent out prior to meeting dates.


MECC Foundation, Inc., Board of Directors

Mark Musick, Chair Joseph Funk Jim Smith
Dr. William Kanto, Vice-Chair Lena Grace Mike Strouth
Leton Harding, Treasurer Karen Hall Jason Sturgill
Kristy Hall, Vice-Treasurer Leton Harding Keith Wilson
Dr. Amy Greear, Executive Director Wayne Herndon Buzzy Witt
Dr. Kristen Westover, President of MECC Chris Jones  
William Bott Dr. Gary McCann  
Roger Daugherty  Diana Pope  
Dr. Kathleen A. DePonte Peter Raber  
Kenneth Fogg Dr. Jack Rhoton